The club card suit is a symbol of the common folk and achievement through work. It is also a auspicious symbol used by Irish Christians to describe the holy Trinity of the Father (God), the Son (Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This Kotodama Jewelry is imbued with 9 silver clubs, the words HAPPY LUCKY, and a shining cubic zirconia gem within the design.It is our wish that your daily efforts will attract good fortune lead to a future filled with even more happiness and luck!
*The necklace chain is SOLD SEPARATELY from the pendant head
クラブのスートは「民衆」と「努力による成果」を表します。そしてキリスト教では三つ葉のクローバーは、父(神)・子(キリスト)・聖霊が一つになった三位一体(トリニティ)のシンボルとして神聖な意味も持ちます。この言霊ジュエリーには、9枚の銀のクラブとHAPPY LUCKYの文字、そしてキュービックジルコニアの宝石がデザインに込められています。
Club Kotodama Jewelry (Solid Sterling Silver, 7.5mm Cubic Zirconia)
Please wash sterling silver in warm soapy water to prolong the shine. Our jewelry can also be cleaned with a silver polish solution.